Bamboo Co


El Bambú en las Estructuras

El Bambú en las Estructuras El bambú es una planta que crece rápidamente y que puede ser cosechada en pocos años. Esto lo convierte en una opción eficiente y respetuosa con el medio ambiente, especialmente en comparación con la madera de crecimiento más lento. El bambú, conocido por su resistencia y durabilidad, es tan fuerte […]

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How to build with bamboo

How to build with bamboo Building with bamboo is a fascinating and sustainable approach to construction that leverages the remarkable properties of bamboo. This versatile material is known for its strength, flexibility, and rapid growth, making it an eco-friendly alternative to traditional construction materials.  Below, in this blog, we provide you with an overview of

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El bambú: Un material de construcción sostenible y versátil

El bambú: Un material de construcción sostenible y versátil El bambú se ha establecido como un material de construcción sostenible e innovador, apreciado por sus cualidades únicas y su amigabilidad ambiental. Su rápido crecimiento, resistencia, flexibilidad, sostenibilidad y versatilidad lo convierten en un material con un gran potencial para revolucionar la industria de la construcción.

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The Future of Construction: Bamboo Building Materials

The Future of Construction: Bamboo Building Materials For centuries, construction has relied on conventional materials like steel, concrete, and brick. While these materials offer durability, their production is often energy-intensive and can contribute to environmental issues like deforestation and air pollution.  However, a promising alternative is emerging: bamboo. This fast-growing grass boasts impressive strength and

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The Treatment Process 

The Treatment Process Harvested at 4-5 years of maturity Bamboo nodes perforated to ensure maximum exposure to treatment solution Poles submerged in tanks containing heated non-toxic Boron solution for eight hours All poles are sun bleached and dried for up to four months to achieve a moisture content between 15-18% Treatment Process Results: Fire Retardant

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What is Strand Woven?

What is Strand Woven? Strand Woven is a process in which the bamboo fibres are stripped and compressed under extreme pressure then mixed with a non-toxic resin. The bamboo is then formed into solid blocks, from which the planks are cut and prepared. This unique process results in a finished product which has unparalleled strength

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Sustainable Elegance Transforming Spaces with Bamboo Flooring from Bamboo Co

Sustainable Elegance: Transforming Spaces with Bamboo Flooring from Bamboo Co.

Sustainable Elegance: Transforming Spaces with Bamboo Flooring from Bamboo Co. 1. Bamboo Flooring: Nature-Inspired Grace 1.1 What Sets Bamboo Flooring Apart Bamboo flooring stands as a testament to the harmonious fusion of beauty and sustainability. Unlike traditional hardwoods, bamboo is not a tree but a grass that grows rapidly, making it a renewable resource that

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