Bamboo Co

How to build with bamboo

Building with bamboo is a fascinating and sustainable approach to construction that leverages the remarkable properties of bamboo. This versatile material is known for its strength, flexibility, and rapid growth, making it an eco-friendly alternative to traditional construction materials. 

Below, in this blog, we provide you with an overview of how to build with bamboo, covering the basics from selection and treatment to construction techniques.

1. Understanding Bamboo

  • Species Selection: Not all bamboo species are suitable for construction. Species like Guadua, Moso, and Bambusa are popular for their strength and durability.
  • Harvesting: Bamboo should be harvested when it is mature, typically between 3 to 5 years, to ensure optimal strength. The timing of harvesting can affect the bamboo’s properties.

2. Treatment of Bamboo

  • Drying: Freshly cut bamboo contains a lot of moisture and needs to be dried properly to prevent shrinkage and cracking.
  • Preservation: Bamboo is susceptible to insect attacks and decay. Treating bamboo with borax and boric acid or using traditional methods like smoking or soaking in water can enhance its durability.

3. Construction Techniques

  • Bamboo structures need a sturdy foundation, which can be made of concrete, stone, or even treated bamboo.
  • Bamboo can be used to create walls and floors. Split bamboo, woven bamboo mats, or whole bamboo poles can be utilized depending on the design.
  • Bamboo roofing can be created using split bamboo or whole poles. It’s essential to design the roof with an adequate overhang to protect the bamboo from the elements.

4. Sustainability and Impact

  • Eco-Friendly: Bamboo is a highly renewable resource that absorbs carbon dioxide and produces oxygen. Building with bamboo can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of a construction project.
  • Social Impact: Bamboo construction can also have a positive social impact, especially in regions where bamboo is abundant and part of the local culture.

5. Innovations and Modern Applications

  • Modern Bamboo Architecture: Advances in engineering and design have expanded the possibilities for bamboo, allowing for more innovative and complex structures.
  • Combining Materials: Integrating bamboo with other materials like concrete, steel, or wood can enhance the functionality and aesthetic appeal of the structure.

How fast does bamboo grow?

Bamboo is renowned for being one of the fastest-growing plants in the world, a characteristic that contributes significantly to its sustainability and appeal as a construction material. The growth rate of bamboo can vary widely depending on the species, environmental conditions, and care practices, but some species can exhibit astonishingly rapid growth.

Factors Influencing Bamboo Growth

  • Species: Over 1,000 species of bamboo exist, and their growth rates can vary dramatically. Some species grow faster than others.
  • Climate: Bamboo grows best in tropical and subtropical climates, although some species are adaptable to temperate zones.
  • Soil: Fertile, well-drained soil is ideal for bamboo growth. Soil quality can significantly impact growth speed.
  • Water: Adequate watering is crucial, especially in the initial growth phases, but overwatering should be avoided.
  • Sunlight: Bamboo generally prefers ample sunlight, although some species can tolerate partial shade.

Growth Rate

  • Daily Growth: Certain species of bamboo, like the Phyllostachys edulis (also known as Moso), can grow up to 35-40 inches (about 91-102 cm) per day during their growth spurts.
  • Annual Growth: Depending on the species, bamboo can grow 30-100 feet (about 9-30 meters) in a single growing season. After reaching its full height in one season, a bamboo culm (stem) does not grow taller but can thicken and strengthen over the following years.

How to treat bamboo

Treating bamboo is an essential step in preparing it for use, especially in construction, to enhance its durability and resistance to environmental factors and pests. Untreated bamboo can succumb to insects, rot, and weathering, significantly reducing its lifespan. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to treat bamboo:

1. Harvesting at the Right Time

  • Age of Bamboo: Harvest bamboo when it’s mature, typically between 3 to 5 years, to ensure it has sufficient structural strength.
  • Season: The best time to harvest is during the dry season, as bamboo has lower starch content, making it less attractive to pests.

2. Cleaning and Drying

  • Cleaning: After harvesting, clean the bamboo to remove dirt and debris. This can be done with water and a brush.
  • Drying: Allow the bamboo to dry for several weeks or months, depending on the climate. Drying can be done naturally or in a controlled environment to speed up the process. Proper drying reduces the risk of fungal growth and cracking.

3. Treating Against Insects and Decay

  • Chemical Treatment: Use borax and boric acid solutions, which are effective and environmentally friendly preservatives. Soak the bamboo in this solution or apply it using a brush or spray.
  • Traditional Methods: Traditional treatment methods include smoking, where bamboo is exposed to smoke to reduce its moisture content and make it less appealing to pests, and soaking in water, where bamboo is submerged for several weeks to leach out sugars and starches.

4. Protection from the Elements

  • Coating: Apply natural or synthetic sealants to protect the bamboo from moisture and UV radiation. Linseed oil, tung oil, or specialized bamboo sealants can be used.
  • Indoor vs. Outdoor Use: For outdoor use, more rigorous treatment and regular maintenance are required compared to indoor applications.

5. Maintenance

  • Regular Inspections: Regularly check bamboo structures or items for signs of wear, pest infestation, or decay.
  • Reapplication of Treatments: Periodically reapply protective coatings or treatments, especially for bamboo used outdoors.

6. Fire Retardation

  • Fire-Retardant Treatments: If there’s a risk of fire, consider using fire-retardant treatments to improve the bamboo’s resistance to burning.

7. Joinery and Installation

  • Proper Installation: Ensure that bamboo is not in direct contact with soil or moisture-prone areas unless specifically treated for such conditions.
  • Adequate Ventilation: Ensure good air circulation around bamboo structures to prevent moisture accumulation.

Why is bamboo a sustainable material?


Bamboo stands out as a paragon of sustainability in the material world, a green beacon in the realm of environmental conservation and eco-friendly construction.

Imagine a plant that grows faster than some weeds, doesn’t need fertilizers or pesticides, and can be harvested without killing the root system. That’s the magic of bamboo! This fast-growing grass replenishes itself in a few years, unlike trees that take decades.  Because of this rapid regeneration, bamboo can be sustainably harvested, making it a fantastic alternative to resource-intensive materials like steel or concrete.  Plus, bamboo is naturally strong and versatile, making it a sustainable choice for everything from furniture to buildings.


Whether you’re planning to craft elegant furniture, construct an eco-friendly building, or simply incorporate bamboo into your design, Bamboo Co, is your ultimate destination. Visit today and build with bamboo, build with the future in mind!

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