Bamboo Co


Traditional Methods of Construction

Traditional Methods of Construction Traditional construction methods vary greatly around the world, reflecting local practices and the availability of natural materials. These methods have evolved over the centuries, adapting not only to the environment but also to the social and cultural needs of communities. These construction techniques, although ancient, offer valuable lessons in efficiency and […]

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El Bambú en las Estructuras

El Bambú en las Estructuras El bambú es una planta que crece rápidamente y que puede ser cosechada en pocos años. Esto lo convierte en una opción eficiente y respetuosa con el medio ambiente, especialmente en comparación con la madera de crecimiento más lento. El bambú, conocido por su resistencia y durabilidad, es tan fuerte

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How to build with bamboo

How to build with bamboo Building with bamboo is a fascinating and sustainable approach to construction that leverages the remarkable properties of bamboo. This versatile material is known for its strength, flexibility, and rapid growth, making it an eco-friendly alternative to traditional construction materials.  Below, in this blog, we provide you with an overview of

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El bambú: Un material de construcción sostenible y versátil

El bambú: Un material de construcción sostenible y versátil El bambú se ha establecido como un material de construcción sostenible e innovador, apreciado por sus cualidades únicas y su amigabilidad ambiental. Su rápido crecimiento, resistencia, flexibilidad, sostenibilidad y versatilidad lo convierten en un material con un gran potencial para revolucionar la industria de la construcción.

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The Future of Construction: Bamboo Building Materials

The Future of Construction: Bamboo Building Materials For centuries, construction has relied on conventional materials like steel, concrete, and brick. While these materials offer durability, their production is often energy-intensive and can contribute to environmental issues like deforestation and air pollution.  However, a promising alternative is emerging: bamboo. This fast-growing grass boasts impressive strength and

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The Treatment Process 

The Treatment Process Harvested at 4-5 years of maturity Bamboo nodes perforated to ensure maximum exposure to treatment solution Poles submerged in tanks containing heated non-toxic Boron solution for eight hours All poles are sun bleached and dried for up to four months to achieve a moisture content between 15-18% Treatment Process Results: Fire Retardant

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What is Strand Woven?

What is Strand Woven? Strand Woven is a process in which the bamboo fibres are stripped and compressed under extreme pressure then mixed with a non-toxic resin. The bamboo is then formed into solid blocks, from which the planks are cut and prepared. This unique process results in a finished product which has unparalleled strength

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